Saturday, July 5, 2008

Ditagged oleh :Aishahtur

These are the rules :

1. Post YOUR photo wearing red, may it be red top, bottom, the least would be red accessories if u hate wearing red. If u can’t find one, u still have an option.Either post your significant other’s photo or your child’s photo, if u have one. Of course, they should be wearing red.

2. Let us know the reason why u were wearing that particular day.Was it your birthday? Is red your fave color or was it the shirt that u first saw in your closet that day? haa kasut tuh merah tuh... nih masa kat dongola.. sapa nak pi dongola kena pakai kasut merah..
nih masa pergi dinder.. boring duk lam bas so duk luar sikitlah. merah nih suke gak pakai. baju tuh hasil titik peluh tuh.. kena lari 21 km baru dapat baju tuh tau... mahal tuh baju tuh.. saguhati marathon hahaha no 7 patut dapat aa 7 rats ke ,,nih dapat baju jer..


Unknown said...

nice blog

I wish good luck to you
Come to my blog

Nurul Zahar said...

red is my favourite colour..especially the combination of red and black..wa so elegant!..haha